Kitesurf Experience in Loutsa Rafina Athens

kitesurf nissakia loutsa-athens

Try Kitesurf with North Meltemi wind in Loutsa Athens Greece

Loutsa Rafina is an ideal spot for Kitesurf in Athens, as the wind blows 200 days a year!


The wind in Loutsa Rafina Athens Greece is North wind.

North wind varies from 15 to 40 knots!

Loutsa Rafina will make you independent in kitesurfing and help you face many other weather conditions as situation in this spot is challenging and will provide you all the tools for other kite spots worldwide.


Kitesurf take place in 2 spots according to month of the year:

Nissakia Loutsa with Side of Shore wind with boat assistance and

Als Loutsa close to Rafina with OnShore condition, a bit wavy but easy to go back to the beach ( no boat needed ).

Loutsa Rafina is a must Kitesurf Spot in Athens as you can kite most days of the year and if you manage to ride properly there ( including Upwind riding ) will make you very independent Kitesurfer .

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  • kitesurf lessons athens nissakia als  loutsa
  • kitesurf lessons athens nissakia als  loutsa
  • kitesurf lessons athens nissakia als  loutsa

Do not miss the chance to try kitesurf in Athens loutsa with the meltemi Noth wind blowing which will make you an independent kitesurfer!

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